March 5, 2023

How To Get More Relaxed On-Track

Blayze Newsletter

Car Racing

How To Get More Relaxed On-Track Image

Hey Racers welcome to the Blayze racing newsletter where every week you will get an answer to a racing question you ponder about after every session, a video that will make your jaw drop, and one article that will change your racing life in one simple email.

So, let's wave this green flag and get right into it. Oh and if you aren't a subscriber yet but need this in your life just enter your details below!


1.  Wiggle Those Fingers For Laptime

We have all heard not to death grip the wheel and we know that when we're relaxed we're fast.  But, why is death gripping the wheel so bad?  How can we tell if we're relaxed enough?

This week's topic was inspired by a Blayze member that sent me an email after their race last weekend.  With their permission, I'm sharing their email here:

"I don’t race until 3:00 so I managed to spend six hours getting myself all pumped up to really get after it in the race and take no prisoners. I’m sitting on grid and I check my heart rate and it's 105 and I'm just sitting there! So I close my eyes, start square breathing, and I subconsciously start wiggling my fingers on the back side of the steering wheel. In five minutes I’m down to 90 bpm and I feel totally relaxed. (Thanks to my Blayze coach)

The start of the race was good. On about lap 3, I realize my hands, forearms, and shoulders were rock solid cause I’m grabbing the wheel like I’m trying to choke it to death! I spend the next three laps breathing and wiggling my fingers. 

Now I know this next part is subconscious to you pros, but I had a race car driving epiphany that will forever change me as a driver… The lighter I held the wheel the more feel I had with what the car was doing. I could feel the load the front tires were under, I could feel the overall grip, and I could tell I could push them harder.

Five more laps and I was going through Riverside 4-5 mph faster, on throttle 50’ sooner everywhere, and braking just a tad deeper. On my last lap, lap 25, I broke the track record in my class by 1.3 seconds! I’m a different driver today than I was on Friday!"

Now that's the type of email that makes my Monday morning!  What I loved most about this email is that this driver built in their own anchor for being relaxed.

On our Tuesday night Blayze member calls we talk a lot about the mental side of the sport, and anchor "words" to find the zone or using your breath to find the zone.  What I had never thought about was an "anchor action" to remind yourself to relax.

Wiggling your fingers forces your hands, forearms, and eventually shoulders to relax.  It's also something you can build into your routine on the sim, driving on the streets, or even visualizing.

Next time you're on track, check in with your arms.  Are they relaxed?  If not, you're most definitely losing lap time.  We want a relaxed upper body and an engaged core so we can feel the vehicle below us.


2b. Try Blayze+ For One Month For $29

Coaching for racecar drivers

For a limited time only, you can try our Blayze+ for just a one-time payment of $29!  What do you get when you become a Blayze+ member?

  • Join your dedicated coach on a 1-on-1 intro call
  • Get one free one-lap analysis coaching session ($129 of value!)
  • Chat message with your coach from the Blayze app anytime
  • Hop on Blayze+ Live coaching calls every other Tuesday evening

So, are you ready to learn from the best in the world and smash your best lap times? Click here to learn more!


3. How To Avoid Maintenance Throttle In Long Radius Corners

Screenshot 2023 03 05 at 5.31.59 Pm

Learn how to spend more time at full throttle and avoid maintenance throttle in longer radius corners in this week's video of the week!

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